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COVID-19; A Note to Our Customers

A Note to TDI Customers

As the COVID-19 situation develops, the safety and well-being of our employees and customers is a top priority.

Trade Diversified ( falls within the definition of essential business as defined in the Executive Order, and we will remain open during this time as we know many of you will want to continue working on your projects. We will continually evaluate and adapt as the situation with the virus develops. 

We're taking extra precautions to keep our staff healthy and customers safe, including:


  • Increasing the amount of office, shipping and fabrication department cleanings
  • We promote a "Safety First" approach with specific recommendations
  • Spreading out the staff that is still in the office to reduce the sharing of germs
  • Eliminating in-person meetings of more than 5 people

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. We're doing everything we can to continue serving you during this time.


Trade Diversified Staff

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